Vote the Quote
& Share the FUN

How it works

Our desire is to not only entertain you each day, but to jog your memory and engage the fun section of your brain!

Vote for your favorite Movies, and Movie Stars! Vote the Quote!

Everyone gets to choose his or her favorites for the Movie Quote Questions.

But only the Top 15% count toward selecting the Winners Choice Movie Star Quote Questions.

How it works

Movie Fan Fridays: Quote Questions are taken from the Votes from everyone’s favorite Movie choices!

Our Movie Fan Fridays – Every 2 weeks the movies from each Genre that get the most votes will have a Quote Question taken from them. (Questions available on the Following Friday)

Winners Choice Super Saturday: Quote Questions are taken from only the Winners votes for their favorite Movie Stars!

The Top 15% of the participants, “The Winners” votes, will count toward selecting their favorite Stars. The Winners Choice Super Saturday quote questions will be determined every 2 weeks! (Questions available on the Following Saturday)

Do You have a Favorite Movie Quote?

You are welcome to send us your favorite movie quotes. Ones you would like to possibly see featured. We only ask that they be clean and have no swearing in them. The other requirement would be that they are in no way intentionally offensive to anyone. If you would like them to have a chance at being used - be sure they are of good quality. We will review any submissions, and certainly try to include them sometime!


Disclaimer: & Movie Quote Critic, LLC is an entertainment and critiquing website that highlights what we feel are some of the best movie quotes and movies in history!  We are of course giving our humble opinion here - and in no way claim any ownership or rights to these movies, images, video, or audio.  Our goal is to encourage you to actually want to purchase or rent these movies, so you can enjoy them as much as we do!   We are making every effort to utilize this material in a way that it is considered to be "Fair Use".  We just love movies and want to share our opinion on some of the best ever made!